Not Too Down In The Mouth

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Let's Ride

Yesterday we went up to Lake Berryessa to have some fun in the 100 degree heat. It is always nice to get out on the water and not have anything to do except enjoy yourself. Sierra has been wanting to try to wakeboard for a while and so we gave it a try. The boots on the board don't really fit but we got it on her and Nick stayed in the water to help her get her board turned the right way to start.(you can see him in the background.) After a few trys she was able to get up and ride for a little bit before she hit a wave and fell. She is really an incredible little girl.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well, it probably is time to blog briefly about out cruise. It seems kind of hard to condense a whole trip in to a few lines, and I have a real hard time writing any more than a few lines, so here are a few pics since they are worth a thousand words. Here we are standing in the most crystal clear water I have ever seen, on St. Thomas. Yes that is Nessy in the background. She had to go on vacation too, it gets kinda cold in the ol' loch. There was great snokaling and we got to feed the fish. they seemed to like dog biscuits. we also got to smell a lot of weed being smoked by the locals right behind where we were sitting on the beach. Fortunatly the kids weren't sure of what it was.

This is the ship, the white one not the red one in the foreground. It was massive. Over 3500 passengers, it was like a floating city. Very nice. I think that it carried enough food to feed several small cities and that I ate enough to sink that small boat in the foreground. I belive that this pic is at the pier in Aruba.
This is St. Martteen, my personal favorite. we walked into town and did a little shopping and then took a taxi, driven by queen lattifa, around to the other side of the island to do some snorkaling. there was hardly anyone else there, beutiful. see below.
We had a great time and I can't wait to go on another cruise. ( with out the kids. don't tell them.) :) FHP

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Kristin and I went for a run the other day out in the valley. I really love to go out there and think about all of the great times growing up. I tend to repeat all of the same stories, so I don't think that kris enjoys it as much as I do. We usually start talking about wanting to move out there and then get depressed because the prices are just outrageous. The house on Via Poula Linda (wasn'tsure how to spell it.) is probably worth around 6 or 7 hundred thousand now. It makes us doubly ill to think that we paid more for our house now than Dad sold his house for. Any way it is nice to be able to go out and look at the mustard and the creek. It sure was a great place to grow up. It would be nice just to be able to let the kids run around the neighborhood like we used to and not have to worry.
well gotta go. the "old men" are playing the youth in b-ball tonight and i need to go and apply the ben gay now. (that not a very good name. makes one a little self concious about useing it.)FHP

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Yeah, I hate that cold weather

Okay, so I've been reading some of my siblings blogs and heard a lot of complaining about weather, bellybuttons, chocolate, no sleep, etc. and I thought that I should finally post a blog to bemoan my sorry condition here in sunny California. I have been having a really hard time getting out of bead these days, what with the sun shining and the birds singing.
and that annoying smell of blooming trees. Also when I go up to the pool at Rancho to swim and the water isn't steaming because the air temp is too close to the water temp., it is hard to force myself in. ( Okay, that's enough fake complaining.) I really do feel sorry for all of you that have to put up with winter.
It has been great here. This weather and beauty reminds me why I stay here.

You may notice in the above picture that the Ford dealer is no more. They moved across the highway to the "Auto mall", yes Fairfield has an Auto mall. Rumor has it that they will be building a Staples across the street from the office. we are still waiting to see what they will put across the other street to the side. I'm hoping that it is not Habib's use cars or something like that. I vote for a Togo's.
This past Saturday Kris and I ran a half marathon in Chico, called the Bidwell classic. It was my first attempt at that distance (13.1 miles). I managed to do it with out the coronary that I thought was coming at around 11 miles. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful course, along big Chico creek. ( no we did not run it in the hotel room. we just didn't have the camera along with, for the run.)

I want to thank my super jock wife for her patience slowing down to wait for me and encouraging me to keep going by talking to me even though I could not speak back. I'm pretty proud of myself. FHP

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Trunk Monkey - #5 - Pediatric Edition

The hospital's just too far away, and she's having her baby NOW. Not to worry, the Trunk Monkey is there to help. Filmed and produced by K/West.

Trunk Monkey (Banned Comercial)

Two people crash. The agressive driver attacks the calm driver. The calm one doesn't know what to do. But of course!! Call on the trunk monkey. This was a commercial that was taken off the air because of its "content".

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Oh yeah, bloging.......forgot about it

Just haven't had the energy to blog. sorry. everyone is probably so sick of the pirates that they gave up wven looking at this blog. sorry. Anyway here are a couple of turkeys. We had a great time visiting with the fam in utah. thanks to all for a wonderful thanksgiving. The turkey pictured is probably one of the most expesive ever cooked, at least at our house. when you add in the cost of the cooker, the oil, and the turkeys ( both the brown one and the ones holding it) the whole adventure was a little pricey. but since dad payed for it, what the heck. actually it was one of the best turkeys that I have ever had. (deep fryed, in case you can't tell.) Other than haveing to go back over donner pass it was a great trip. Maybe I'll get another blog in before the new year, but don't hold your collective breath. FHP

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Happy Haloween Matey........arrrrrg.

Ahoy, we had pirate day at work on haloween. we had all the usual grumbling but everyone pitched in and did a good job. we had a few surprised paitents, but a good time was had by all. FHP